Over outside the Gem Spa on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place, Zoltar is receiving a summer scrubbing….
As these photos via EVG reader Lola Sáenz show, a worker is removing the various tags that well-wishers have left on Zoltar's home of nearly three years…

Now if someone will please just return his crystal ball.
Liz Flock should work for the NY Post and get to the bottom of this graffiti. First step is a surveillance tower manned by Liz and Dick!
That dumb Zoltar shrine needs to disappear. I can only imagine the people's pain who live above that idiotic monstrosity. There's nothing funny or witty about it. Every time I walk by that douche bag idiocy I feel like grabbing a brick and shutting that mofo up once and for all.
ZOLTAR predicts: Walter won't be in a better mood tomorrow.
I like to visit Zoltar at Hammechershammecker on 57th, it's free and has the crystal ball.
A short stranger will soon bypass you.
Agree with Walter. I think Zoltar was a lot more cool and interesting when I never heard about it.
@ 10:09 PM
You know me very well
Zoltar is depressed , his fortunes only point to everyone running from this crap city.
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