Yes, it was back on May 13 when we last got a look inside 174-176 First Ave., where workers are renovating the retail space for Black Seed bagels.
EVG reader Lola Sáenz took this photo of the space yesterday here between East 10th Street and 11th Street … showing the progress…

We still haven't heard about any official opening date for Black Seed, which is leasing the space of the former DeRobertis Pasticceria and Caffe. Black Seed opened on Elizabeth Street in April 2014. This will be their second location.
You can head to Black Seed's Instagram account to see their Montreal-NYC hybrid bagels in action…
Previously on EV Grieve:
Black Seed bringing bagels to the former DeRobertis space on 1st Avenue (43 comments)
I love eggs, avocado, tomato, etc. I like bagel too. But let's be real here. That sandwich is a structural nightmare. How can you sandwich all those soft, slippery fillings between two slices of dense, firm, toasted bagel? Something's gotta give. One enthusiastic bite and all those nice fillings are now on your lap. I will stick with a simple schmear, save all that other stuff for my cobb salad.
Just another excuse to charge, what, like $15 for what was once a simple NYC staple: the bacon, egg, and cheese. Better in your local deli and better at $3.50.
Yeah, this place will be a hit esp. among the foodies and transients and tourists. And once it has become so, Noah will stealthily and rapidly raise the price, and decrease the quality of his product. See Mile End in Brooklyn.
i tried these guys at their elizabeth st location late one sunday morning because of all the hype. nearly 20 bucks and a 20 min wait for an iced tea and a passable bagel sandwich that honestly wasn't much better than what you could get at a good bodega. i'm not saying they're not worth it; to each his own but i was very unimpressed.
Their BEC is $8 or so. More than most, but they are also using more expensive ingredients than just about everyone. If you want a $3.50 BEC from your corner store, go for it. That doesn't make Black Seed bad. You can still get a bagel and cream cheese for $3 from Black Seed. Not like this is some overpriced shit quality product.
Black Seed is all hype... Something new! Something upscale! oooh...But the bagels are sub par and their cream cheese schmears are so miserly that it all melted onto the toasted portion of the bagel...They should be popular in Alabama, not NYC
You can't justify those HIGH prices just based on the "ingredients are so much better". Sure, I don't doubt that the ingredients are better. For instance, Chris at Tompkins Square Bagels does an excellent high-quality BEC and the bacon is hickory smoked and THICK and it's still CHEAPER with good quality. I love how you say, $8 "or so". It's the "or so" that will likely add up to a $20+ breakfast for two that cost Black Seed probably like $4. I mean, how can you justify those prices...it's NOT THAT MUCH FOOD...2-3 slices of bacon, a slice or cheese and an egg or two translates to NOT THAT MUCH MONEY. IT'S ALL MARK-UP AND HYPE. I'm starting to think we're smarter here in the EV, or we've all lost SO MUCH OF THIS CITY THAT WE LOVE DUE TO GREED AND OVER-HYPED NONSENSE THAT WE'RE WILLING TO START CALLING IT LIKE IT IS: BS. 'BLACK SEED'? MORE LIKE 'WHACK GREED'!
A bagel and cream cheese for $3 is not overpriced???
Also: BLACK SEED BAGELS IS AFRAID TO TELL IT'S POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS HOW MUCH THEY HAVE TO PAY TO ENJOY THEIR PRIZED HYBRID CARBS. NO PRICES ON THE WEBSITE MEANS THEY ARE LIKELY TOO HIGH AND, like ALL THE CORP. CHAINS, THEY RESERVE THE RIGHT TO JUST KEEP RAISING THE PRICES ALL THE TIME...TOO FREQUENTLY TO HAVE THEM POSTED. WTF? Come to us, come eat the best crap around, we promise it's worth it, just prepare for the SHOCK WHEN YOU HAVE TO PAY THE BILL...you'll say...hey, what did I just consume? I thought it was just a bagel sandwich! WOW! Part of the thrill is the $5 extra for the award of getting to post this crap on your IG feed, right? NOT NEEDED IN THE EV. BOYCOTT, PLEASE!
So did Black Seed Bagels ever fix their exhaust problem? They better not bring that smoke over here. Via Bowery Boogie:
Black Seed Bagels’ Fiery Exhaust Killing Quality of Life for Residents on Elizabeth Street
From what we understand, exhaust emissions from Black Seed reek of fire and are carried throughout the block most hours of the day. Some estimates place bagel baking operations as lasting roughly 20 hours per day.
“We worry that our building is on fire,” one resident tells us. “The fumes even permeate the laundromat; it is literally like standing next to a campfire — great when outdoors, not so great when indoors.”
Eight buildings, in all, are allegedly affected by the invisible fumes.
Jesus fucking christ. It's just a goddamn bagel. If you don't want it, nobody is forcing you to buy one. If you need to get emotional about it, your life is just too small and/or you need some help.
Jesus Fucking Christ, is right. That's exactly who we need right now. Because Black Seed Bagels is just a cunning substitution for Demon Seed Bagels. Hand-rolled by the whores of Babylon! Coincidence one of their sandwiches is called Lox's Wife? Don't be deceived!
Mohammed Buddha Siddharta! Yes, it is just a bagel. And nobody is forcing you to buy one because even if you were forced to buy one, the less affluent won't be able to afford one. And Brodo is just a bone broth. And froyo is just frozen yogurt. And PBR is just...PBR. The businesses that are taking over now are catered to the riches. The less affluent are excluded. The businesses they can afford to go are are priced out and pushed out and replaced by this 'just bagel' place.
Really, the whores of Babylon? And they can cook? Why am I only learning about this now?
It's just the comments section of a blog. If you don't like the comments, nobody is forcing you to read them. If you need to get emotional about it...
So what? You want to implement some kind of bagel communism or something? Where everybody has to have the same bagels? And yes, brodo is actually just bone broth. Froyo is really just frozen yogurt. If you end up having to go without a black seed bagel, froyo, or brodo, life will go on. It will be Ok. Not everything has to be cheap enough for you. Armani suits are too expensive for me, but yet I don't have a meltdown over it. I just go to Century 21 and move on.
Don't worry, if it flops in the EV they have a backup plan: Chicago-style pizza.
Allah! Jehovah! Xenu! This is for those who'd feel or think they are special and exclusive because they overpaid for 'just bagels'.
Yes, it is just bagels. bagels are "... a great symbol that unites the people of New York from every demographic. Bagels are everywhere, for every class and race and in every part of the city.”
This 'just bagel' however, is anything but, and symbolizes the opposite of, that.
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