Not sure exactly what happened here in the ballfield in the Park's northwest corner… aside from a recent fire, that is…

Maybe some lovelorn Mumford & Sons fans?
In any event, we found the fridge someone left in another part of the Park last week.
Previously on EV Grieve:
The Post reports Tompkins Square Park 'has become a homeless haven' (105 comments)
Can't wait to read all the "kids will be kids" posts. If it was a burned cross on the other hand, there would be howls galore!
Arrghh, space junk. Damn you, NASA!
Everyone's a critic.
Relax! Dick and Liz from Bro + Brah where making use of the public space with a creative summer hibachi! The sidewalk outside Superiority Burger was too crowded.
Anon 9:11 AM ... while starting a fire in a newspaper dispenser is not a welcome activity in any neighborhood, you appear to not understand the symbolic intent of "burning a cross" and why "there would be howls galore" had it been that. Do you lack education in basic American history?
I prefer self immolation myself...
Yeah - wtf with anyone not getting what a burned cross means? I'm trying to think of an analogy to explain how horrible it is and can't come up with anything nearly awful enough. My howls galore will be reserved for lamenting that there's someone that ignorant reading and commenting on this blog.
Anon 12:24 pm It was farcical sarcasm which obviously you did not get, reflecting the panicked hysteria that EV is changing.
Anon 3:31 PM -- If it really was intended as sarcasm then it was missing the smiley or "/s" tag. EV is changing but there are still people living here (and reading this blog) who understand that the "bad old days" of the KKK are not entirely behind us. It could have been the Imperial Grand Wizard himself posting this, had he been able to read and write enough to do so.
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