As I first noted back on Sept. 16, renovations for a Two Boots on Nassau Street in the Financial District turned up ghost signage for onetime tenant Loft's Candies...
It was unknown if Two Boots would keep the neon or have it removed...
Now East Village-based photographers James and Karla Murray report via Instagram that 2 Boots will be restoring the sign.
Per James and Karla: "Instead of just removing the signage, the good news is that Two Boots will be restoring the sign ... We love when we hear that a new tenant appreciates the history of a store and its signage. In this case, the Loft's sign features the candy store's mid century logotype."
The work on the sign started earlier this week...

Two Boots, which got its start on Avenue A (different location than its current home) in 1987, now has 17 locations in six states.
Previously on EV Grieve:
This post has nothing to do with the East Village, except for the part about 2 Boots Pizza
This might be confusing to passerby. Oh wait, these will be mindless tourists, problem solved.
I love this, great news and thanks to the people of 2 Boots.
That is the best news I've heard all week. Hip, hip, hooray!
Awesome, nice work, Phil!
Way cool - I am going there just to see the sign lit up! And have something dee-lish to munch on while I bask in its neon glow.
Thanks, Phil - now I can make the schlep down for both pizza and an uncovered glimpse of the past. Wish you were a member of the Landmarks Preservation Committee!
Pretty cool. Though JQ LLC is clearly better than everyone, so maybe we should all just follow his lead with unnecessary insults.
franchise woo hoo.
Phil Hartman for LPC!!!
I'm a fan of old neon signs and those ghost ads on buildings. And I am for preservation of classic artifacts (except for that pepsi-cola sign in LIC). I just think this doesn't make sense. 2 boots is kinda successful why don't they make a neon sign of their business?
Thank you, Phil.
You obviously have more respect and love for our city's history than the transient businesses and chain stores operated by non-New Yorkers that cater to transient non-New Yorkers, and more than the city itself.
This makes me love Two Boots even more than I already did. Pizza with an appreciation for historic restoration - love it!
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