Workers repaired the Houston/Bowery Mural Wall this past week with new weatherproof boards ... in preparation for Logan Hicks to return perhaps as early as Monday. (The extreme heat with a torrential downpour in late July ruined his previous stencil-in progress.)
Meanwhile, someone decided to create his or her own mural on the blank canvas... not sure what it was. Crews were out this morning quickly painting it over...

I hope that ends up looking better than it does now.
Today content is art... Anything that fills up a space on air or on a wall...
Did they paint that while blindfolded? Or maybe it was so hot out that all the paint melted.
They should just let that art stay. Let the community pain the mural. What, just because the art isn't "sanctioned" it's unwelcome? Get out of here.
It's obviously a teaser ad for the new Target store. If you stare at it long enough to it spells out the word "shit show."
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