[Photo from July 18 by Michael Hirsch]
The 2 Bros. sliceria closed on First Avenue near East 14th Street back in July.
Now another nearby $1 pizza joint looks to be closing here between East 13th Street and East 14th Street this fall.
A listing appeared this week for 222 First Ave., home to Joey Pepperoni (Or Joey Guacamole per the listing photo!) across the street. (Asking rent: $9,500 plus key money.)

The 2 Bros. branch opened in February 2013, much to the dismay of next-door neighbor Vinny Vincenz, who had been there for 11 years. In response to 2 Bros.'s arrival, Vinny's started offering $1 slices.
We saw it all during the Great $1 Pizza War of First Avenue … multiple sidewalk sandwich boards … the introduction of $1 drafts… dancing pizza menu women.
For now, victory goes to the 11-year-old Vinny Vincenz, who also unveiled a new sign back in the summer.

Previously on EV Grieve:
First Avenue $1 Pizza Wars — now with draft beer
Checking in on the $1 pizza war on First Avenue
Latest weapon in the First Avenue $1 slice wars: Dancing Pizza Menu Woman
[Updated] Reader report: The 2 Bros. Pizza on 1st Avenue has apparently closed
I predict that Vinny's will be victorious, but after an armistice is reached in the great pizza war of 2014, I really hope they continue the 2 slices and a beer for $5 special.
This was not a war, only a very significant counter-pepperoni operation.
I love saying Joey Pepperoni. I've never eaten there but will surely miss the singsonginess fun.
so where can you go for one dollar pizzas? or any one dollar meals / foods?
Sorry no more dollar slices or cheap meals. Another way to drive the poor out. One of the original dollar slice spots was over by 9th/ 41st and.the customers were the homeless. Now these places have to go. Anything that helps the poor or homeless survive in NYC is now bad.
Papa John's one block south on First Avenue still sells $1 slices.
Maybe comrade deblasio will force all pizzerias to sell pizza @ $1....
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