Apparently the cyclist has two victims...

On Saturday, the Post used this incident to help illustrate how the city is falling into ruin under Mayor de Blasio's watch...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Video: Cyclist snatches woman's phone on Avenue A; Citi Biker follows in pursuit
It could have been worst the idiots staring at their phones could have got run over by a bus. Cell phones are the new heroin.
Not at all surprising that the Post incorrectly reports the location of the incident.
"A video shows the woman casually strolling across East 7th Street and Avenue C while looking down at the cell phone at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday."
No. No. No. She is clearly walking east on East 7th street, crossing Avenue A. Video evidence at approximately 0:05 second mark, and can easily be confirmed with a 10 second google maps search of Miss Lillys.
It really must be tough for these "reporters" to do their job with a computer right in front of them.
This is shitty and I hope they catch him, but I also can't star these obsessed-with-themself people walking into the street staring at their phones.
I gotts say, I've had the urge, many a time, to grab a smartphone out of a stupidperson's hand and just toss it into a storm drain. Maybe the guy on the bike is just more fed-up than I am.
@12:21 you are ridiculous. What right would you have to do something like that? You and this thief both deserve a beatdown.
@12:21, that would be pretty hilarious. Particularly the part where they beat the piss out of you.
petty theft obviously never happened in the East Village before de Blasio. curse you you commie.
I am right there with @12:21 PM. But not so much grab as much as smack it out of their hands, as they stand in the middle of the bike lane, looking down at their phones. Or worse, when they're walking into the bike lane, looking down at their phones, while other bikers and I have to swerve to avoid them.
Would the person not paying attention and possibly causing an accident (say I end up swerving into a car) not deserve some admonishment? They are oblivious to the incident even after it passes, as they look back down into their screen.
Maybe now people will start being more aware of their surroundings and remember that they live in a CITY where things like this happen all the time.
I dunno, I remember the 1990 murder of Brian Watkins, a Utah tourist who was in the subway with his family, who was stabbed in the heart by a group of teens who wanted money to gain entry to the Roseland Ballroom. That to me sounds a little more serious than whatever crime the Post is hyperventilating about this week.
The Post was so excited that there was an uptick in murders in NYC over the first few months of the year. Now that things have calmed down quite a bit (and June turned out to be the safest June ever and possibly safest month in memory) they have to manufacture their fear.
Notice where the Post is consumed most oftn. It is enlightening.
@12:21 - A better idea would be to break into a run toward them, pretending you're late to something. Knock into them (thus making them drop their phone) and yell, "Sorry!" over your shoulder.
What does '#1' mean?
The #1 was to another article... about the "urinating vagrant" the Post put on the cover Saturday and Sunday...
Some problems have simple solutions. In this case, if you maintain some situational awareness while crossing a street--something you should do anyways--then a would-be thief snatching your phone away ceases to be a concern. Duh! Might as walk around the city blithely fanning yourselves with hundred dollar bills. Ah screw it, screw all of you. Morons.
The guy is a hero to me in a way. Not so much for the wanton theft, I am not down with that, but the part where oblivious pedestrians are given some comeuppance, and possibly prompted to curb certain behaviors in the future... he's actually doing society a sort of service, even if totally unintended.
Let me state the obvious: Nobody should be looking at their phone WHILE crossing the street. Nobody.
12:21 and 12:40 - Have you no sense of humor? And have you never been annoyed by someone's bumping into you because they're absorbed in what's on their little screen and oblivious to what's around them? Hasn't that stuff gone out of control? Lighten up, willya?
3:44 PM
You're such an idiot.
I want people to be more conscious and more courteous on the street.
You want them to be more afraid.
Fuck you.
Are we sure this isn't another "social experiment" courtesy of the Dachshund Gang?
6:58, you are right, subconsciously I guess I do want certain people to be more afraid. But that doesn't make me an idiot! Compassion and intelligence are not really correlated.
Ok, several themes for this thread but the most important is the media one, Murdoch's NY Post's ad nauseam talking points, a mission to destroy de Blasio. Like Obama, EVERYTHING is de Deblasio's fault. I wonder if they hired Frank Luntz to do some focus groups. BIKEGATE! PHONEGATE! URINEGATE! HOBOGATE! And if someone thinks that Roger Ailes is not involved here as well, I have a luxury condo to sell you.
This is an example of theft, it is plain and simple. Regardless if the person should or should not be looking at their phone in a crosswalk is debatable, but championing the thief as some sort of moral hero is outrageous. Why are all commentors on this blog longing for a time where you can get your possesions taken right out of your hand, or have someone urinating in the middle of the street. I have lived in Alphabet City for 3 years, and while that may not be long enough for most of you EV Grieve commentors, I can say with 100% certainty that crime, petty or not, has risen since DeBlasio became Mayor. Not only is that a statsitical fact, it is obvious from walking down the streets of our beautiful neighborhood. The fact that there are currently people living on 4th street between 1st and A every night, spreading out their sleeping bags and using our neighborhood, which we pay to live in, as a person toilet and trash can is proof enough for me
July 14, 2015 at 5:37 PM
Move. I'm going to suggest Indiana, Texas, Florida, Kansas? You not only have no business in this neighborhood, but in this city. We don't like Republicans.
@July 14, 2015 at 5:37 PM
but it's cool for frat bros and cheerleaders to piss and vomit and woo anywhere on the streets at night because they('re parents) pay ridiculously expensive rent to live in "our beautiful neighborhood"?
ps- what if the next street this woman crossed was 1st ave, still looking at her phone, and got hit by a double decker tourist bus? this thief might've saved her life!
photo#3 is my favorite
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