The foundation work continues at 79 Avenue D, where a 12-story retail-residential building will rise here between Sixth Street and Seventh Street...

Last week, Real Estate Weekly offered a few more details on the project from L + M Development Partners.
The building ... is expected to have 110 apartment units, 22 of which will be permanently affordable. It will also have amenities such as a fitness center, landscaped roof deck, an outdoor terrace and a function room. The retail space on the ground floor has been pre-leased to drug store Rite Aid.
This past summer, workers demolished several one-level storefronts, including Rite Aid and Shady's pizza. In January, the Rite Aid relocated one block north to the vacant retail space in the Arabella 101 building. So it will be returning.
To date, we hadn't seen any renderings for the new building. GF55 Partners, whose area work includes Jupiter 21 and 48 Bond, are the architects of record.
In case you're curious, this is what No. 79 looks like via the rendering on the plywood...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Report: Space that houses Rite Aid on Avenue D hits market for $22.5 million
Report: New 12-story, mixed-use building in the works for Avenue D
Permit pre-filed for new 12-floor building at 79-89 Avenue D
Enjoy that sunshine and fresh air while you can, folks in those surrounding buildings. They'll be taken away from you soon enough so yet more clueless maroons can move down here and be hip.
If yuppies move to this block, there might not be a more starker divide in all of NYC between the have's and the have-nots. Have fun on Ave Death aka Ave Dope aka Ave Diesel you morons.
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