The Lower Second Avenue Summer Festival is underway... until 6 p.m. on Second Avenue between 14th Street and Ninth Street.
EVG Lower Second Avenue Summer Festival correspondent Steven notes a fairly generic assemblage of street festival vendors and food...

Not to mention the Jerk Off the Grill station...

These festivals are vapid in their celebration. Literally everywhere around the city when it's nice out, with nothing more to offer than the same fare each time. My issue is that there isn't much to do at these festivals other than walk through and eat. Which you can already do in NY. The utter constant gentrification of this city has drained it's culture to the point where we just have a street filled with temporary food vendors in front of the permanent food vendors, celebrating nothing.
I walked through one recently near Union Sq. Looking for something to drink that wasn't sweet juice or bottled water. Not a god damn thing but the repetitive standard fair. We're celebrating consumerism because of consumerism.
It’s a good Street Fair, not too big or small and a nice crowd. The people selling summer hats for $5 are cleaning up. It’s so hot out there in the sun that without a hat on you will melt faster than the ice cubes in the plastic cups of dollar lemonade.
I sometimes like them because I can walk the dog and get something to eat. I'm happy. He's happy. Don't have a care in the world.
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